SCF Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Workshop: “Investing in sustainable subnational solutions for climate, nature, and people”

The SCF regional workshop “Investing in sustainable subnational solutions for climate, nature, and people” for Latin America is organized by SCF partners as part of the capacity-building program.
This event will bring together key actors of the SCF initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean to build capacity, strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable finance of climate resilient infrastructure and nature-based solutions and offer exchange of information and networking opportunities for regional actors.
The Program
Day 1: Regional Investment Priorities will provide an opportunity for learning and exchange about the regional and local priorities for sustainable investment from the SCF champions – from both public and private sectors and present solutions offered by SCF.
Day 2: Investability and Technical Solutions is designed to increase the capacity of project developers and technical experts to prepare commercial and high-impact and high-integrity investment proposals through interactive content in the form of lectures, workshops, and learning assignments.
Day 3: Partners Showcase will provide technical and financial partners/stakeholders opportunity to showcase their solutions that complement SCF goals.
The event will be held both in person and virtually. We invite to pre-register for the event here. Due to the limited in-person space and the approval of the registered participants will be done by the event organizer. The pre-registration for in-person attendance will remain open until August 20.
Limited financial support for in person participation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In case you require financial support, please register before August 15, 2022.
Who is this workshop for?
- National and subnational authorities – who can exchange experiences and priorities for shaping their subnational policies on climate change adaptation and mitigation and support the achievement of the SDGs though enabling conditions for the sustainable finance of high-impact investments.
- Project developers – who can enhance their capacities to develop bankable, high-impact, sustainable projects and to identify financing opportunities.
- Financial institutions – who can showcase complementary solutions to the SCF and construct collaboration for financing sustainable projects.
Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this regional event bringing together champions and key players in sustainable and green finance!
Similar regional events will be taking place in the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia. They will be a part of a continuous effort to engage the regional stakeholders through the Technical Assistance Facility of the SCF for capacity building over several years.